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 20 résultat(s) pour  Signal theory (Telecommunication)
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Tensors : geometry and applications
Landsberg , Joseph M. , 1963-....
American Mathematical Society -- cop. 2012
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Detection, estimation, and modulation theory . Part II . Nonlinear modulation theory
Van Trees , Harry L. , 1930-....
Wiley -- copyright 2003
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Intermodulation distortion in microwave and wireless circuits
Pedro , José Carlos
Artech House -- c2003
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Communication systems
Haykin , Simon , 1931-....
4th ed. Wiley -- cop. 2001
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Signals, sound, and sensation
Hartmann , William Morris
AIP Press , Springer -- cop. 1998
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An introduction to signal detection and estimation
Poor , H. Vincent
2nd ed. Springer -- cop. 1994
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Introduction to communication systems
Stremler , Ferrel G.
3rd ed., reprinted with corrections. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. -- 1992, c1990
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Vector quantization and signal compression
Gersho , Allen
Kluwer academic publ. -- cop. 1992
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Théorie et traitement des signaux
Coulon , Frédéric de , 1937-....
[Réimpression de l'éd. de 1984] Presses polytechniques romandes -- cop. 1990
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Modern communication systems
Coates , Rodney F. W.
2nd ed. Macmillan , Distributed exclusively by Scholium International -- 1983, c1982
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