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 19 résultat(s) pour  Inverse problems (Differential equations)
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Geometry of the generalized geodesic flow and inverse spectral problems
Petkov , Vesselin , 1942-....
Second edition John Wiley & Sons -- cop. 2017
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Geophysical Data Analysis : Discrete Inverse Theory : MATLAB Edition
Menke , William
Elsevier Science & Technology Books -- 2012
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Linear inverse problems : the maximum entropy connection
Gzyl , Henryk , 1946-....
World Scientific -- cop. 2011
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Polarization and moment tensors : with applications to inverse problems and effective medium theory
Ammari , Habib , 1969-....
Springer -- cop. 2007
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Inverse problems, multi-scale analysis and effective medium theory : workshop in Seoul, inverse problems, multi-scale analysis, and homogenization, June 22-24, 2005, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Ammari , Habib , 1969-....
American Mathematical Society -- cop. 2006
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Geometric methods in inverse problems and PDE control
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Springer -- cop. 2004
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Partial differential equations and inverse problems : Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis and Inverse Problems, January 6-18, 2003, Santiago, Chile
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis and Inverse Problems -- Santiago, Chile -- 2003
American Mathematical Society -- cop. 2004
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Inverse engineering handbook
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CRC -- 2003
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Introduction to inverse problems in imaging
Bertero , Mario , 19..-....
Institute of Physics Publishing
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Progress in inverse spectral geometry
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Birkhäuser Verlag -- cop. 1997
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